Dangerous Food for Dogs


We all love treating our furry companions from time to time, but not all foods are safe for our canine friends. Certain ingredients in foods cause serious health issues for dogs, even in small amounts, so being well-informed about these hazards can help ensure your dog maintains a healthy and happy life.

We've put together this list of dangerous foods for dogs to provide you with all the ingredients and foods they are commonly found in, why they are harmful, the symptoms your dog might exhibit and how to treat them if they accidentally ingest any of these dangerous foods.


Xylitol (Sweetener)

The sweetener Xylitol is found in many sugar-free products. It's known to be toxic to dogs and possibly other animals as well. It can cause blood sugar levels to drop dangerously low, resulting in vomiting, seizures or even a coma. This toxicity can also be deadly and cause liver failure.


Xylitol can be found in products such as:

  • Human Toothpaste
  • Chewing gum
  • Cakes
  • Sweets
  • Mints


If you suspect your dog has consumed Xylitol you must contact your vet immediately.


Anti-freeze contains a substance known as ethylene glycol which is very poisonous to pets, even in very small amounts. Poisoning from ethylene glycol affects the liver, kidneys and brain. It can cause long-term damage and be fatal.


Be careful when using anti-freeze on cars as it can drip into puddles on the ground which are easily licked by pets. Always clean up after using the chemical and never leave full or even empty containers lying around where pets may get hold of them.


Anti-freeze poisoning symptoms can include:

  • Depression
  • Vomiting
  • Change in behaviour
  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive thirst
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dehydration
  • Breathing difficulties


If you suspect your dog has consumed anti-freeze you must contact your vet immediately.

Onion and Garlic

Dogs should not be regularly fed raw or cooked onions or garlic in homemade diets or treats. Both onion and garlic contain disulphide, which can cause Heinz body anaemia when eaten by dogs. Heinz body anaemia damages the red blood cells and prevents them from carrying adequate oxygen to where it is needed in the body. Other vegetables from the same family should also be avoided, such as chives and leeks.

Onion can be used to enhance taste and increase the palatability of food, so some pet food manufacturers use a very small amount in a powdered form. Any pet food manufacturer will ensure that the amount of onion in the product is carefully controlled, which is why it's so important to follow their recommended guidelines on feeding. These guidelines allow for a large safety margin and, therefore, no risk to the pet's health.


You should never feed your dog human chocolate.

Poisoning from chocolate can be fatal in dogs. Chocolate intended for human consumption contains methylxanthines, which act as stimulants in dogs. A good rule of thumb is that the darker the chocolate, the more methylxanthines it contains. 


  • Agitation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • High heart rate
  • Muscle tremors
  •  Seizures


If you suspect your dog has consumed chocolate you must contact your vet immediately.

Dog-Friendly Chocolate

Many specially formulated doggy chocolates are available that are ok to give as treats. Remember to reduce the size of their regular meals accordingly when you provide your dog with snacks and don’t feed so much that the nutritional balance of their diet is disrupted.

Grapes & Raisins:

Although people traditionally used raisins and grapes as treats for their dogs, just a few can make a dog ill. The consumption of grapes and raisins presents a potential health threat to dogs.
Grape and raisin toxicity in dogs can cause the sudden development of kidney failure (acute renal failure).

Grapeseed Extract & Grape Pomace

Grapeseed extract and grape pomace are very widely used in pet foods as they have excellent antioxidant properties.  Antioxidants in the diet are useful because they help combat harmful free radicals, support the immune system and may help to delay ageing.

Grape pomace is the dried and extracted grape skin and seed rather than the whole grape. There's no risk in feeding it to dogs. Dogs can suffer from fatal renal failure after eating grapes or even raisins, but the seed and skin are considered safe. Studies indicate that the toxic element is in the flesh of the grape, which is not included in grape pomace.

Other alternatives commonly used in pet foods are rosemary extracts, mixed tocopherols, Quercetin and green tea.  Antioxidants on a pet food label may be listed by name or may come under the category term ‘EC Permitted Antioxidants’. If pet owners want to find out what specific antioxidants are included in the recipe, they can contact the pet food manufacturer who is on hand to provide recipe information. 


Vomiting and diarrhoea, where pieces of grapes or raisins may be present, are often the first symptoms of grape or raisin toxicity in dogs. They often develop within a few hours of ingestion.

Further symptoms include:

  • Weakness
  • Not eating
  • Increased drinking
  • Abdominal pain
  • Acute renal failure (develops within 48 hours of ingestion)


If you suspect your dog has consumed grapes or raisins you must contact your vet immediately.


Bones can be very dangerous if fed to any pet – they damage teeth, and splintered parts can tear anywhere from the mouth through to the digestive system, where they can also cause obstructions.

When feeding your dog homemade snacks and treats, always ensure meat and fish have had every last bone removed regardless of the size and whether raw or cooked. Never give your dog large animals bones. As an alternative buy mock bones that have been specially developed for feeding to pets and therefore are safe.

Damage from bone chewing and ingestion can be extremely painful and will often need veterinary treatment.