FDF Event - Efeca's outreach to SMEs on the forthcoming Defra due diligence regulation on forest risk commodities

FDF have asked Efeca, who host the UK Sustainable Commodities Roundtable, to run a webinar between 9.30am -10.30am on Wednesday 31st May on forthcoming legislation affecting UK businesses. The webinar is specifically aimed at small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Larger companies are encouraged to share the registration link with SMEs in their supply chain

FDF have asked Efeca, who host the UK Sustainable Commodities Roundtable, to run a webinar between 9.30am -10.30am on Wednesday 31st May on forthcoming legislation affecting UK businesses.

The webinar is specifically aimed at small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Larger companies are encouraged to share the registration link with SMEs in their supply chain.

The new legislation will require UK businesses to take steps to ensure commodities (these being palm oil, soy, cocoa, coffee, maize, beef, bovine leather and natural rubber) used as everyday ingredients in a wide range of food and non-food products have been produced legally and not caused illegal deforestation in the countries where these commodities are grown. Their presence may not always be obvious, for example, soy is a common ingredient in animal feed, so will be ‘embedded’ in most meat, dairy and egg products sold in the UK. The new law will cover these uses too.

Defra are currently working towards the publication of implementing regulation which will set out company obligations in detail. FDF are following developments closely and updating members signed up to ESC alerts.

The webinar will provide a short introduction to the legislation and broad obligations as currently set out. Similar legislation has been developed in the EU; the webinar will touch on this too.

Defra has asked Efeca to speak to a range of SMEs to further understand how they may be impacted by this new legislation. The webinar will set out potential scenarios for how SME’s could be impacted and cost implications and will be seeking feedback from participants. All feedback from participants will be treated as strictly confidential, and only aggregated, anonymised findings will be shared with Defra.

You can register for the session here, and contact Natalie Verner for further information or any questions.