06 Jun 2024

UK Pet Food Manifesto 2024

Ahead of the General Election this July, our manifesto outlines our priorities and requests for policymakers.

Pet Food Security, High Standards and Sustainability

UK Pet Food is the voice of the UK pet food industry. We represent over 100 dynamic pet food businesses with a mission to advance pet health through quality, sustainable nutrition. This manifesto outlines our priorities and requests for policymakers to ensure affordable, safe, and nourishing pet food is available for the nation’s 36 million pets in 17.2 million homes across the UK.

UK Pet Food's Priorities What we need from the next UK Government 

Safe and Sustainable Pet Food: 

The pet food industry is a critical partner to the farming industry utilising around 1 million tonnes of agricultural produce each year. Most of our ingredients are by-products from the human food chain converted into safe, sustainable, and nutritious pet food.

As 85% of pet food ingredients are sourced from UK agriculture, a joined-up approach across the supply chain for a future-proof food system that is sustainable, secure, and resilient is vital. To support our members on the sustainability of their ingredients, we have developed a 5-step action plan underpinned by a Life Cycle Analysis of commonly used pet food ingredients.

The human diet is changing with a shift towards less meat consumption. This will impact the availability of pet food ingredients. The industry is addressing this anticipated gap with research and innovation into alternative proteins.

UK Pet Food urges a greater awareness of pet food’s contribution to a circular economy for food. We must be part of the national food action plan with a focus on food security and sustainability whilst maintaining high standards across the supply chain.

Government should actively champion research and provide support for the development of sustainable alternative proteins that meet the variety of dietary needs of pets as well as humans. Our members are already leading the way with the use of insect protein and cultivated meat. We would be happy to share our expertise.

Facilitate Trade with the EU and Rest of the World:

We need to maintain regulatory alignment with the EU and ensure a coherent strategy to facilitate trade and remove barriers. Costly delays and extra paperwork have made it harder to import and export impacting competitiveness.

The UK has some of the highest animal health, welfare, and product standards in the world. We must ensure these remain as strong as ever, not only to protect human and animal health but also to satisfy our UK customers and ensure pet food remains highly regarded when we trade globally. 

Short term, the Government should improve the UK–EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement ahead of the five-year review, removing impediments such as UK-wide ‘Not for EU’ labelling. Longer term, establishing a Common Veterinary Area would improve animal welfare, facilitate trade, and provide stability and clarity for businesses.

Government must continue to speak up for animal welfare in trade deals. Trade policy represents a unique opportunity for the UK to positively influence animal welfare abroad and ensure its place as a world-leading force for higher welfare standards.

Animal Welfare (Pets and Farm):

We want a society that treats pets with their best interests at heart, and a food system that places the welfare of farmed animals as the paramount goal. We are committed to this, working alongside the All Party Parliamentry Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW) and the Canine Feline sector Group (CFSG).

It is fundamental that healthy and fit-for-purpose animals are bred across all species, particularly companion animals which are so important for companionship and health.

Along with the UK’s animal welfare charities, we believe children and young people should be educated about caring for animals and there is a need for animal welfare on the curriculum.

Government should look at practical ways to support UK farmers and their continuous improvements of welfare on-farm. We call for policymakers to protect our progress in this area by ensuring that our trade policy maintains the same ambitions.

Work with the sector to protect the health and welfare of puppies and kittens by improving the legislation on breeding and sale and support the inclusion of animal welfare in the curriculum.

A Society That Values the Powerful Role Pets Play in our Wellbeing:

Pets are good for us. They provide support in many ways, helping people and often the most vulnerable in society. There is a wealth of research proving the physical and mental health benefits of pet interaction. Unfortunately, there are many subtle (and not so subtle) barriers to pet ownership, including in housing, the workplace, the high street, parks, and open spaces.

We are supporters of the One Health concept appreciating the interdependence between the well-being of people, animals, and the environment. It is particularly relevant to the issue of obesity. Research has shown that pets help people get more exercise and improve cardiovascular health, helping to combat human obesity. In return, we must ensure our pets are healthy and fit through appropriate feeding.

UK Pet Food urges Government, local authorities, housing providers, employers, landowners, and healthcare professionals to value the benefits of pet ownership and support policies and protocols to ensure people (and pets) can benefit from this unique bond.

Recognise the role the pet food industry plays in providing safe and nutritious diets for the optimum health of pets.